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About the Postville Church

History of Postville Cemetery
Burial information at Postville Cemetery

Memorial Day at Postville Cemetery
Photos of Postville Cemetery

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  The cemetery will remain open for burials well into the next century. Recorded burials are from 1879 to 2003 and will continue. Most of the burials are of Welsh descent. Some family members buried have parents, grandparents, great grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles.
  The cemetery is managed by a board of five officers elected by family members. The church and cemetery has been managed by a board of directors since their conception in 1881.

A trust fund which was started May 19, 1970 was established to care for the Postville Cemetery, using only the annual interest for expense each year. This trust fund continues to grow through the yearly family members donation, memorial, and estate givings.
  The cemetery is mowed several times a year. On Memorial Day weekend, five large U.S. Flags are flown for the five war veterans buried in the cemetery.

Since 1991 several family members have donated and planted trees in the cemetery grounds in memory of a family member buried in the cemetery. The trees are a mixture of different kinds and this will result in a beauty of different colors in the years to come.
  For more information on how to donate to the Postville Welsh Church or Cemetery please go to Contact Us.
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