Postville, Nebraska Post Office
Prior to 1873 the U.S. Post Office that served this area was located in Wolf, Nebraska, three miles east of the Postville settlement. It was on the land of F. B. Wolf on the east side of the Shell Creek. Shell Creek carried a large volume of water at this time and the banks were very steep. One of the most well traveled roads was on the west side of the Creek and the Welsh had already established a school there in 1874.

Founder John Elliott believed the Welsh community was the most ideal place for the post office, and made a formal request to the U.S. Post Office Department on September 26, 1878 to move the Wolf, Nebraska Post Office to the Welsh community. This would shorten the mail route by three miles and locate ft on a direct route between Columbus, Nebraska to the south and Lindsay, Nebraska to the North.

On October 17,1878, the Wolf Post Office was moved and John Elliott became the first Postmaster of the Postville, Nebraska Post Office. Elliott also chose the name Postville after his good friend Alfred M. Post who lived in neighboring Columbus, and was a well known lawyer who served six years on the Nebraska Supreme Court Mr. Post is buried in the church cemetery.
Postville, Nebraska Post Office - Platte County, Nebraska
(Originally established as WOLF)

Date Appointed

James Burrows Postmaster August 19, 1873

*Changed to POSTVILLE on October 17, 1878*

Copies of the official Post Office Department Name Change Documents

John Elliott
October 17, 1878
Hanson S. Elliott
October 3, 1881
Thomas Jones
February 2, 1896
*Discontinued on September 30, 1902; Papers to Monroe, Nebraska*
Information courteous of Research Administration/Historian Office of the Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, December 13, 1990